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[nikomat:19786] [Exakta] Exakta Information


eBay で  Exakta 関係の本などを買っていたら、下記のメールがきました。

>> Dear Friend, if you are looking for information about Exakta cameras,
>> lenses and accessories, you can join the Exakta Circle.
>> In the last number of Exakta Times, the EC quarterly magazine, there is
>> an interesting survey on the Exakta production. You can find information
>> at the following page:
>> http://www.leaderrealestate.com/exakta/circle2.html
>> With my best

  *高田  彰  Akira Takada  takada@ipe.tsukuba.ac.jp*
  *筑波大学臨床医学系    筑波大学附属病院医療情報部*