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[nikomat 6260] Various Nikon F, F2 Items to be placed for sale by Sat. July 16th


NYおじさん情報4  これが一番価値があるかも。


>> I have a list of items will be placed for sale. I do not have photos of
>> these items yet. If interested, I will get photos over the weekend and
>> forward to you. If no reply, I will enter them for sale at ebay. Thanks.
>> 1. Right angle Viewing Attachment,silver box, w/red velvet lining,
>> marked Nikon/Nikkormat.............................$ 95.
>> 2. Another, marked DR-3, Right angle viewing attachment, in brown
>> leather case, w/F embossed in leather. Finder has capand rubber eyepiece
>> type hood. For Nikon F2........................................$95.
>> 3. Nikon Extension Tube set , Model K, in box, w/ case and instructions,
>> Mint..$75
>> 4. Nikon F , Relay box for motor drive, in silver box, w/ cord, no
>> instructions(?).$95
>> 5. Nikon N-F tube, allows RF lens to be mounted o Nikon F, Mint
>> condition, use with 180; 250; 500 RFlenses.............$125
>> 6. Nikon Action Finder (sports)Black. slight brassing in corners,
>> otherwise in excellent condition. Comes in black leather case, w/Nikon F
>> embossed in leather. Has protective cover at bottom of finder. Probably
>> rare in this condition, as it was used primarily by photojournalists and
>> held over head with wide angle lens, when shooting in
>> crowds!..................$425
>> 7. Nikon F, BR-3, all metal ring in box, for bellows focussing
>> attachment, very early Nikon F version. Model I.....................$50
>> Please advise.
>> Have much more to list.
>> Thanks,
>> Dr. Mel Wilner