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[nikomat 21152] Re: SiliconFilm EFS-1

> > おかだっす。
> >
> > 3年以上前の PMA 98 で発表されて以来、発売延期を繰り返してきたあの幻の
> > 製品 EFS-1 が遂に、Silicon Film の Web ページで注文できるようになりま
> > した。  http://sifilmstore1.com/
>// NEC Micro Systems, Ltd.            物質転送:HAYASHI Futoshi
>// HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 情報転送:f-hayashi@pd.jp.nec.com
>//                                休日情報転送:rin@mb3.em.nttpnet.ne.jp

すぎやま です

                             3.Initial sales of EFS-1 are restricted to the 
United States and Canada. Product
                                availability in Europe will be through our 
distributor, RINGFOTO Gruppe, and
                                their Eur-Activ affiliated dealers. Please 
monitor the "(e)NEWS" section of our
                                website homepage for shipment timing and 
other details.


                             4.EFS-1 for some SLR camera models may not be 
immediately available. We will
                                have an expanded roster of EFS products as 
quickly as we can produce them.
                                A note on the Nikon F3: The EFS-1 product 
for this model is not currently
                                available. We will post updates regarding 
support for the Nikon F3 on the
                                homepage of our website.
