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[nikomat 29839] Re: Leicaflex Standard Clean!!




>> 高田です

>> まあ、ファインダーに目をくっつけた状態では綺麗なら、実用的には問題
>> ないかもしれないが。
>> #アドバイスあればお知らせください。

Rollei 35 Hard Case -Made in Germany- Mint !! Item # 1349125598 

As for Rollei case
1. It's original Rollei issued Ever ready case.
2. Actually, hard leather case is not common because in its heyday,
many people bought just soft leather case with their camera(obviously
it's cheaper). The reason why many Rollei have typical Rollei dings on
their top plate is that most of them were in the soft case which can't
protect the camera properly. German made earlier Hard case which has
magenta colored lining and where Made in Germany is engraved is pretty
rarer than Later Singapore made version which has royal blue colored
lining and where country of origin wasn't engraved. Most of all,
finding German made case in this condition is not an easy job.



*高田  彰  Akira Takada  takada@ipe.tsukuba.ac.jp*
*筑波大学臨床医学系    筑波大学附属病院医療情報部*