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[nikomat 19919] Re: Thank You

すぎやま です

>At 12:51 01/02/17 +0900, you wrote:
>>すぎやま です
>>      Normal lenses
>>          1.50 mm f/1.8 Nikkor
>>          2.58 mm f/1.2 Noct-Nikkor
>>          3.50 mm f/1.4 Nikkor (latest versions)
>上記の1の50/1.8ですが,手元にはSeries Eのレンズがあります.


50 mm f/1.8 Nikkor
                                          A small, cheap and unobtrusive 
lens with an outstanding
                                          optical performance - can anyone 
wish for more? This petite
                                          Nikkor delivers the goods with a 
snap and clarity many
                                          lenses could - or better - should, 
envy. Wide open there is a
                                          trace of softness into the corners 
that disappears by stopping
                                          down to f/2.8. From f/4 to f/8 its 
performance hardly can be
                                          improved. I have obtained decent 
results even at f/22. The
                                          multi-coating layers on this lens 
gives it much better contrast
                                          and colour saturation than the 
E-series derivative.
   50 mm f/1.8 Nikon Series E
                                          This economical version, for the 
EM and FG cameras, was
                                          virtually identical to the Nikkor 
50/1.8 in optical design, but
                                          built even more compact than the 
Nikkor. It came in a
                                          cheaper-looking (and -feeling) 
barrel and lacked
                                          multi-coating and an aperture 
coupling prong. Sharpness is
                                          very good, but contrast and colour 
saturation result in
                                          images that do not quite match the 
clarity of the Nikkor.

>でしょうか? 手元にはNew Nikkorのがあるのですが,これは


50 mm f/1.4 Nikkor-SC
                                                      Nikon actively 
developed their fast normal lenses throughout
                                                      the '70s. The coatings 
were improved and the basic
                                                      double-Gauss formula 
was trimmed to squeeze even better
                                                      performance out of the 
50/1.4. The last version before the
                                                      AI epoch featured a 
shimmering red front element and
                                                      sported a very capable 
performance. Wide open there is
                                                      some softening in the 
corners that disappears by f/2.8, At f/4
                                                      it gives excellent 
images, and the quality stays basically the
                                                      same up to f/8. Beyond 
that f-number the performance
                                                      declines perceptibly. 
Flare levels are low, but ghosting can
                                                      be provoked by 
pointing the lens towards bright light

ぼくもnew nikkorの奴を持っています、

