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[nikomat 19667] Nikon Camera Repair Handbook

すぎやま です
他のMLから拝借しました。( NikonRepair@yahoogroups.com)

Thomas Tomosy's Nikon Camera Repair Handbook
My long awaited copy of this book arrived today hot off the press from
Amazon ($31.96).
Sub Title: Repairing & Restoring Collectible Nikon Cameras, Lenses and
Accessories, 1951 - 1985

published by Amherst Media Inc. Buffalo NY    ISBN 00-132624
Tomosy's book is not a substitute for a factory manual with its exploded
assembly drawings and parts
lists. He tries to show the procedures for dissasembly/reassembly and
repair. The photographs are excellent
and I find the text clear.
I appreciate the section on Nikonos because mine is now 21 years old and
in need of maintenance.

I thought it would be useful to list the contents.
Section One: Camera Bodies
Chapter 1 Classic Range finder Cameras  (10 pages)
Nikon S
Nikon S3

Mechanical SLR Bodies (26 pages)

Nikon F,  F2,  Nikkorex F,  Nikkormat FTN,  Nikkorex 35,  Nikkorex Auto
35,  Nikkorex Zoom 35,
Nikon FM

Electronic SLR Bodies  (29 pages)

FA, FG,  FE, FE2, F3, N2000

Underwater Models (11 pages)
Nikonos I, II,  IV A, V

Section Two: Lenses

Simple Lenses (16 pages)

Nikkor 28mm f3.  NAI
W-Nikkor 35mm f2.5  Nikonos
Nikkor-S 35mm f2.8 NAI
Nikkor-HC 5cm f/2 RF
Nikon series E 50mm f1.8 AIS
Nikkor-H 50mm f/2 NAI
Nikkor-P Auto 105mm f2.5 NAI
Nikkor-QC 13.5cm f3.5 RF
Nikkor-Q 20cm f4 c/w built in hood

Zoom Lenses  (10 pages)

Nikkor 35-70 f3.3 AI two-touch
Nikon 36-72mm f3.5 AI Series E one-touch
Zoom-Nikkor Auto 43-86mm f3.5 NAI one-touch
Nikon Zoom 75-150 f3.5 AI Series E
Zoom-Nikkor 80-200 f4.5 AI one-touch

Section Three Other Accessories
Photomic Prisms (4 pages)

Photomic T
Photomic FTN
F2 Photomic Viewer Heads
DP-1 Photomic Prism

Motor Drives (3 pages)


Abstract (20 pages)
Repair Methods, Fabricating New Parts, Cleaning, Lubrication, Tool
Alternatives, Testing
(this material was taken from Tomosy's previous books, Camera Maintaince
& Repair Book 1 and 2.)